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The Status of the Southern Baptist Convention

Dr. Joseph McGee

Jul 1, 2021

From the Associational Missionary of the Consolation Baptist Association

While driving the 456 miles home from the Southern Baptist Convention held in Nashville, I considered the outcome of the event and the status of the overall Southern Baptist Convention. I considered what I would write to inform the members of our association. There were some positive aspects just as well as several negatives. When considering my report, I decided to break it down into sections for our members to understand what has brought us to this cross-point that can go either way. Note, my motive is not to inflame but to inform by first discussing several events leading up to the importance of the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention. Lastly, I will endeavor to describe and provide an overview of the activity during the Convention by sharing news from reports and conversations gathered since the Convention concluded.

I will begin with some of the 2019 Southern Baptist Convention measures at Birmingham, Alabama. J. D. Greer was re-elected to his second term as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. One must note that J. D. Greer had already gone on record with his desire to change the name of the Southern Baptist Convention by suggesting that the term “Southern” could be understood as racist. He desired that the Convention be referred to as “The Great Commission Baptist.” This also would be the second time that J.D. Greer selected the nomination committee (responsibility of the SBC president). Most presidents often choose people with a shared worldview to lead the Convention’s future. The by-laws state that a president may only serve up to two years. This should have been when his term should have expired.

During this Convention, a member offered a resolution in opposition to teaching Critical Race Theory (CRT) and intersectionality. The resolution committee completely rewrote the resolution that changed the tone of warning of the original by suggesting that it could be used as an analytical tool to help explain how racism functions and how to evaluate human experiences. I spoke with some who attended the Convention that voted in favor of the resolution but admitted that they
did not understand what they approved. They realized they were guilty of trusting those who served on the resolution committee. Over the last two years, Southern Baptists have witnessed the destruction and race divisions resulting from the teaching CRT through liberal democrats and media, colleges, high schools, and even elementary schools under the guise of the 1619 Project. This implies that whites are racist and oppressors. All the other races are deemed “oppressed.” Many suggest that this liberal ideology encourages the socialist views of Karl Marx and results in dividing our country. One may find information that examines and exposes this harmful theory by going to Ministers and members of our Convention have begun to understand the dangers of CRT and feel that the resolution committee misinformed them. They demanded that the resolution be rescinded at the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention. But this was not to be. Covid -19 was spreading throughout our country during 2020. However, many Baptist State Conventions found multiple sites near one another that safely provided social distancing resulting in their annual Convention. They limited any display, encouraged the members to wear masks, and took every precaution. I never heard of any spreading of Covid-19 during these State Conventions. The Executive Committee met with J. D. Greer, knowing that many Southern Baptists were appalled about the vote on CRT; many were skeptical of the leadership, especially J.D. Greer. They feared that there would be a move to change the name of the Southern Baptist Convention to the “Great Commission Baptist.” With skepticism, tension, and Covid-19, they decided to cancel the 2020 Southern Baptist Convention. The executive committee also agreed that J. D. Greer would serve a third term (against the by-laws). Some felt that the first vice president should have moved up to the position of President. This provided J. D. Greer a third nomination committee to shape and set the agenda for the future of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Black Southern Baptist pastor Dwight McKissie, along with the national African American Fellowship of the SBC, began to make allegations throughout the SBC that the denomination began as racist and continues to be racist. Some alleged that if there were no more blacks in SBC leadership and that the Convention continues to be a part of the Republican party (their words), they would leave. They, like many, think that the Baptists in the South separated from the Triennial Baptist Convention because of race. When the State Conventions in the South separated from the Triennial Baptist Convention, race indeed was one of several factors. First, the Triennial Baptist Convention had insisted on neutrality when it came to slavery.

Nonetheless, trustees of the Home Mission Board and the Foreign Mission Board were rejecting members from the South from serving. Only a few, such as James E. Reeve, owned slaves (who became Georgia’s test case). The second cause was the lack of representation. Although Baptists in the South contributed to the Home Mission Board, they felt that they did not receive their fair share of representation since all the work was in the North rather than the South. A third reason was that the South leaned to the idea that all decisions be made once a year at an annual convention meeting. The North relied to society meetings where the different society organizations would meet throughout the year, usually in the North, which limited the attendance of many Baptists in the South. Regarding their accusation, one must remember that during the 1995 Southern Baptist Convention, a resolution passed apologizing for any racist activity during the early decades of the Southern Baptist Convention, and motions have continued to be presented during almost every Convention meeting after that.

Beth Moore is another controversy that has added fuel to the fire. She was the top-selling author for Lifeway for several years. Many women have enjoyed her books during women’s Bible studies. In the last few years, some have opposed her preaching behind the pulpits of a few Baptist churches. She recently stated that she was leaving the Southern Baptist Convention by claiming that it was a “Trump Republican party platform.” Note, Lifeway closed down all the stores and now only sells their products online. This action cost her a large number of sales. Suppose she had a problem with President Trump and the conservative policies of the Republican party. Why did she not vocalize her disapproval before Lifeway closed the store while Trump was still President? Did the stores have to close and lose revenue before we would see her true colors?

I want to address her issue with what she claims was the take-over of the Southern Baptist Convention by the Trump-Republican party. I believe that this exposed her and others' moral values. Most Southern Baptists vote Republican, not because of the party but because most of the party's moral platform is in line with traditional conservative Baptists who form their morals and values from the Word of God rather than what is politically correct. Most Baptists are against the murder of infants through abortion. They do not believe that the government should be an instrument to endorse or encourage homosexuality or same-sex marriage. They believe that the government should stay out of church affairs. Most whom I know want our borders protected and they oppose any socialist agenda. I voted for Trump because of the morals and values he proposed, not his lifestyle. My vote was more against Hillary Clinton and the democrats’ liberal worldview. If the Democrats had had a conservative agenda, I would have considered them, but they are far from it. I question those who make such statements against Republicans. What are the morals and values they oppose?

One more item of concern was on many Baptists' minds as they went to the 2021 Southern Baptist Convention was Calvinism. Many felt that Dr. Albert Mohler was instrumental in encouraging Calvinism throughout the SBC. They believed that he would continue to use his position as President to the spreading of Calvinism. I like Dr. Mohler. He is a great writer. However, one has to be careful when reading his theological works. He did a great job turning Southern Baptist Theological Seminary away from liberalism there when he arrived. Many went to make sure that Al Mohler was not elected but rather Mike Stone from Emmanuel Baptist Church in Blackshear. Nonetheless, neither one was selected.

I hope that I have helped the reader understand the issues to be addressed at the Convention. Nonetheless, some issues were not permitted to be discussed by the leadership during the meetings, as you will see as we review the actions taken throughout the conference.


I will now provide an overview of the activity and decisions during the Convention. The first thing that I noticed as we were expected to enter the hall where the meeting took place was a large banner several feet tall that welcomed “Great Commission Baptists,” this was the theme and new name that some wanted to change Southern Baptist. We found the hall so full that there was no place for our group to sit. We decided to look at the displays with the intention to find chairs where we all could sit together as soon as the first session was completed at noon. While we were waiting to find a seat, I had an opportunity to read a locale Tennessee newspaper. There was an article detailing a controversy of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. Russell Moore, the former President of the SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty organization, retired. It was late revealed that he had sent a letter to the Executive Committee that described an account of an Executive Committee officer working to use the power of the purse to prevent sexual abuse assault survivors from sharing their stories. Although the Executive Committee provided in-house investigation providing no proof, they declined any outside party to investigate. However, they were willing to allow someone from another SBC entity, such as Guidestone Solutions. This was unacceptable. It provided no transparency, and having someone within the SBC was questionable. This deepens the hostility and lack of confidence in the Executive Committee that would be witnessed during the Convention.

The Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention Report

The Executive committee’s function is to deal with the work of the Southern Baptist Convention throughout the year. The evidence presented during the convention meeting seems to be a measure of mistrust for this committee this year. This committee submits recommendations to the body. Most of the recommendations deal with the process, ministry, and procedures of the body and other entities of the SBC. If approved, these recommendations will change by-laws and policies. Typically, everything presented is rubber-stamped, but not this year. Like that of the resolution committee, their emphasis was racial reconciliation and avoided any measure that the media could interpret as racist and biased. This would create friction as both committees used their positions and, as some voiced, became bullies in the effort not to allow the term Critical Race Theory to be employed in any recommendations or any resolution during the meeting. J. D. Greer, when referring to CRT, states, “We are at a defining moment for our convention,” He excoriated the “Pharisees” within the denomination who placed ideological purity over its evangelistic mission, alienating Black and Latino pastors, sexual abuse survivors and others in their zeal. To make matters more uncomfortable, there was a constant call for unity, diversity, and friendship. However, many understood that anyone who challenged the leaders on the stage was seen as the ones responsible for division. Many who came to contest the 2019’s resolution nine, on Critical Race Theory, felt bullied by the leadership on the stage.

The first recommendation that passed added additional definitions in line with their agenda describing a cooperative church, which is consistent with the Convention’s belief regarding sexual abuse and does not discriminate based on ethnicity. Recommendation two that passed concerned changing the by-laws so that the Convention does not have to wait to elect the first and second vice president after the vote's results about the position of President. Recommendation three passed, which allowed the Convention to vote on matters during the last session of the Convention.

Recommendation four was the beginning of the messengers questioning the Executive Committee. Many understood the recommendation as providing the Executive Committee additional authority. The Executive Committee was reminded that the Southern Baptist government was not like that of other denominations but was a bottom-up government. The power and decisions rested not in the entities but rather the churches. The entities do not direct the church, but the churches control the entities. The recommendation passed only after a few amendments had been provided to reflect the will of Southern Baptists.

Recommendation number five, regarding the Convention’s program budget, became very contested. An amendment was offered to not allow any funds to go to any entity to support the teaching or the advancement of CRT. At this point, the moderator, J. D. Greear, quickly ruled the amendment out of order stating that the parliamentarian and lawyers felt that it rejected the rights of the trustees of each entity. Later, when I spoke with several in attendance, I found that many questioned the moderator's ruling but decided not to make a spectacle in public, although there were some loud moans. Recommendation six regarding the Convention’s operating budget passed. Recommendation six was also a budget recommendation that emphasized operations that passed.

Recommendation seven regarding strengthening the financial accountability of the entities of the SBC was very contentious. Many understood that this recommendation gave the Executive Committee power of the purse over the trustees of SBC entities. In addition, it was brought to the messengers’ attention that the Executive Committee wanted to escrow funds. One messenger stood and repeated that J.D. Greer called the amendment to disallow funds to go to any teaching or encouragement during recommendation five out of order since it interfered with each entity trustee’s authority. This recommendation would accomplish the very thing. Another messenger asked if the trustees of other SBC entities, especially our seminaries, could practice what the Executive Committee proposed for themselves legally? Daniel Akin, President of Southeastern Theological Seminary, went to the microphone and answered by stating that the seminaries have to account to the accrediting boards and government and were not allowed to participate. The motion by the Executive Committee on recommendation seven failed by a great majority of the messengers.

Recommendation eight was seeking approvable of a change in the missions and ministry statement of Lifeway. A messenger pointed out that Lifeway’s report eliminated their material for homeschooling, and with the teaching of liberal morals and CRT in public schools Southern Baptists parents needed the materials more so. Lifeway responded that the parents might use their Sunday School literature which did not go well with the messengers. This resulted in controversy and the questioning of some on the stage. When J.D. Greer, as moderator, called for the vote by uplifted ballets, they then announced that the recommendation was approved. There was much disagreement on the floor, so he asked the messengers to stand, but the vote was unclear. There was a call for a secret ballot vote resulting in the recommendation failing. When the Executive Committee returned, one could tell that they did not expect the previous outcome. They decided not to present recommendation nine since it was based upon recommendation eight that did not pass. It was noted that if the messengers had not taken a stand, then J.D. Greer’s ruling would have been in favor. Later, another ballot vote was questionable.

Recommendation ten was the SBC VISION 2025. It consists of five strategies; 1. Send 500 more missions overseas. 2. Add 5000 more congregations in North America. 3. “Call the called,” meaning to ask during invitation if anyone feels called of God to preach, pastor, start a new church, or become a missionary. 4. Reverse the decline in teenage baptisms, and 5. Increase giving to the cooperative program. There was an approved amendment from the floor to change strategy number 4 to all persons under 18 to include children. Another amendment added strategy number 6 to eliminate all sexual abuse and racial discrimination. After the approval of the amendment, the recommendation of VISION 2025 passed.

The Resolution Committee’s Report

James Merritt was the chairman of the Resolution Committee and presented the resolutions for the most part. Unlike recommendations from the Executive Committee that are binding and may result in changing by-laws or procedures, resolutions are not binding. The resolution Committee received hundreds of resolutions and was charged with forming a multitude of resolutions into one resolution in which they felt like best represented the messengers of the Convention. It was noted that many of the resolutions were designed to cause little if any, controversy with the liberal press or political factions; many did not appreciate the bias in the resolutions were presented by the Resolution Committee.

Resolution one stated that we are to walk with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Eph. 4:1-3). It further stated that we would not permit our personal, social, theological, or political interests to supersede the urgency of evangelism. An amendment was presented that would help individuals to understand that our theology was not to be overlooked. James Merritt provided much rhetoric justifying not to pass the amendment in such a way that anyone who opposed the resolution would be considered dishonoring Eph. 4:1-3. The idea of God’s people are His ambassadors who are supposed to represent Him and represent His word, His morals, His ideology, and worldviews to the world (society) and not to accept and condone society’s worldviews was overlooked. The resolution, in the original, passed.

Resolution two discussed the sufficiency of Scripture for race and racial reconciliation. This resolution attracted the most attention. Many messengers who came to the Convention did so to rescind the 2019 Southern Baptist Convention resolution number nine concerning Critical Race Theory. Earlier in the year Brandon Showalter of The Christian Post referred to the 2019 “Resolution 9” when he wrote, “that the nations’ largest protestant denomination is (becoming) increasingly “’woke’ and drifting from biblical orthodoxy.” CRT has also been described as “a philosophical framework that has come to dominate progressive activist thinking.” Why the resolution somewhat and vaguely expressed opposition to Critical Race Theory, it left out the term, and it was not detailed enough. Kevin Apperson, the North Las Vegas Baptist Church pastor, stated that the resolution consisted of “nebulous, unclear and ambiguous language that speaks concerning the content of critical race theory but never has the courage to address it by its name. If we do not have the courage to call a skunk a skunk, let us not say anything.” In a strongly animated, almost angry tone, James Merritt replied by saying, “It’s time to find out who we are and where we are headed.” “We are not the 2019 Resolutions Committee. We are the 2021 Resolutions Committee,” said Merritt, “What we have done in this resolution is say, ‘You know what, let’s just [settle] this once and for all, yesterday, today and forever.’” Merritt further stated, “The committee rejects any theory that says, “our problem is anything other than sin and the solution is anything other than” the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” Merritt reminded the messengers that the world was watching us; he was concerned about how the media would describe us, especially the New York Times. To this Gerald Harris, former editor of the Christian Index, responded,

No one would argue that we would like for the world to think well of our Convention, because we want to be able to win that world to faith in Christ; and indeed, Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).While love may be an overriding virtue, biblical love must be predicated on trust and truth. The prophet Amos questioned the ability of two walking together without being in agreement” (Amos 3:3). We want to be winsome and attractive to the world, but we must not do it by conforming to the culture or fearing to stand on God’s precepts and principles. With unity as the guiding principle governing the work of the committee, ten resolutions were presented to the convention messengers. However, the committee failed to address critical race theory (CRT), an issue that had created the most angst and apprehension among many Southern Baptists because of the adoption of a resolution on CRT and intersectionality at the Birmingham convention in 2019.

Tim Rogers, pastor of At the Cross Fellowship, Monroe, NC, concluded, "The resolutions committee seemed to have a bias toward releasing resolutions. The bias stems from what they want to put out for the secular media to see. “As the chairman stated in one of his impassioned pleas, ‘We must remember that the world is watching.’ While that is true, we must be cognizant that God is watching as well. It was very evident the committee did not want to entertain anything associated with the CRT/Intersectionality issue. When a resolution is presented to the committee with 1300 signatures and that does not make it to the Convention for debate, it is obvious the resolutions committee is an independent entity unto itself."

James Merritt further stated, “I understand people’s concern about Critical Race Theory, but I refuse to be divided over that. Every problem is rooted in sin; and CRT is not in the Bible. For those who are upset about resolution 2, I drove this resolution; and I am not going to judge what the 2019 resolutions committee did.” When I heard that, I thought that there is much within the Bible that we believe but is not identified by a particular word, for instance, rapture or even the word Bible, which cannot be found in the Scriptures. In Merritt’s quest for the Southern Baptists to not ruffle the feathers of the outside world, he utilized much fancy rhetoric to drive his vision and quest during the Convention. I heard many refer to it as bullying.

Gerald Harris provided two additional quotes concerning the outcome of resolution two. The first from Dr. Robert A. Pearle, pastor of Birchman Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas,

Southern Baptists came from all over the country to denounce Critical Race Theory as evidenced by a resolution signed by 1300 messengers sent to the resolutions committee. The committee, however, denied the resolution and the chairman angrily denounced messengers when asked why CRT was not even mentioned in their resolution. The committee failed to bring clarity to a watching world.

The second quote came from Dr. Phil Roberts, currently Director for International Theological Education with Global Ministries Fellowship, “The resolutions committee has left me wondering why it is considered not Christian to identify a blatantly Marxist racist concept like CRT by name especially when it has already been documented in SBC resolutions.” The resolution passed in its original state.

Resolution three the complicity of the taxpayer in abortion and the Hyde Amendment. This resolution served as a response to President Biden’s budget proposal. It urged Biden and congress to preserve Hyde and other pro-life amendments. This resolution passed.

Resolution four referred to the equality act. The messengers approved language that describes the proposal as “one of the greatest threats to religious liberty in our nation.” The bill would add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the bill, which includes homosexuality, bisexuality, and pansexuality, while “gender identity” refers to the way a person perceives themselves regardless of their biology at birth. The resolution passed.

Resolution five pertains to sexual abuse and pastoral qualifications. It decrees that any pastor guilty of sexual abuse in his lifetime was not qualified to be a pastor. There was a discussion in which an amendment was passed for better clarity. The problem with the amendment is that it is not binding on any church because of the local church's autonomy. I found it strange that the resolution committee only included pastors, but not employees of the entities of the Southern Baptist Convention or any trustee after what was related in the news.

Resolution six emphasized sole membership. This was a legal resolution that provided safety as to the ownership of all SBC entities. It passed.

Resolutions seven (Christian citizenship), eight (Uygher genocide), and nine (The Coronavirus Pandemic), ten (Appreciation for the city of Nashville) passed without much discussion.


The election of officers took place in stages between the worship, reports, and preaching. When the first election for President of the SBC was announced, there were four nominations. Mike Stone, pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Blackshear, Georgia. Albert Mohler, President of Southern Seminary. Ed Litton, pastor of Redemption Church in Saraland, Alabama. Lastly, Randy Adams, Executive Director of the Northwest Baptist Convention. Later during the program, the results were announced as following 1). Mike Stone with 5,216 votes (36.48 percent). 2). Ed Litton with 4,630 votes (32.38). 3). Albert Mohler with 3,764 votes (26.32 percent), And Randy Adam with 673 votes (4.71 percent). I was somewhat uncomfortable when the results were announced. I knew there would be a run-off between Mike Stone and Ed Litton since neither received fifty percent of the votes. Although I knew little about Ed Litton I was concerned since Fred Luter (a former black president of the SBC) nominated him with such enthusiasm that many voted for him without really knowing him. Fred Luter could have nominated the Pope, and he would have received a multitude of votes. Ed Litton had been projected as the unifying man that could bring Southern Baptists together. Mike Stone and Albert Mohler had been accused of being ultra-conservative, hateful, and divisive. I also felt that many who had voted for Al Mohler would not vote for Mike Stone out of spite. It was later discovered that many Mohler supporters either did not vote or crossed over to Litton. Later during the Convention, it was announced that Ed Litton received 52% of the vote while Mike Stone received 48%. This revealed the extent of the division within the SBC. Lee Brand Jr. was elected first vice-president, while Ramon Medina was elected second vice-president.


While driving home, I listened to the news on the radio. Each newscast defined Ed Litton as a moderate. Later CNN and the New York Times announced the same. Over the past six years, I discovered that he had been involved with a coalition called the “Pledge Group.” It is a group of leaders from different racial, religious, and vocational backgrounds who want to bridge the racial divide in Mobile. Litton helped write the "Deep South Joint Statement on the Gospel, Racial Reconciliation, and Justice.” This statement, signed by a diverse group of church leaders and those involved with Black Lives Matters in Mobile, Montgomery and Charleston, S.C., came in the wake of the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. There was a question of his church’s doctrinal beliefs of the Trinity on their website. However, that portion of their statement of beliefs was removed soon after. He was interviewed shortly after his election. He stated his desires that the SBC be unify. He shared that we can be unified if we separate our theology from our politics. I previously said that our moral beliefs (theological) are often supported by a political party or opposed by another. As an ambassador for Christ, I have no choice but to make my ideologies and moral, political beliefs reflect such. There were too many leaders of the SBC that were more concerned that we as Southern Baptists do not give cause to a liberal society or news media to write something negative. I remember Martin Luther standing before the Diet of Worms (Diet has a long e sound, the W of Worms in the German language has a “V” sound), knowing that he could be punished and even suffer death, stated, “My conscience is held captive by the Word of God.’ The leaders on the stage during the SBC could not make such a statement.

Every evening the news reports of another school board meeting with the parents standing against a “woke” counsel demanding that they abolish the teaching of CRT. They provide evidence that the 1619 Program only intensifies racism. Some parents have been arrested. But those who sit on the Executive Committee and Resolution Committee and the moderator of the SBC do not have the integrity, guts, and fortitude to acknowledge its existence. Last night while viewing the news of one network, they provided a clip of an interview of a man invited to come and debate CRT. The “woke” arrogant and liberal news anchor would ask a question then proceeded to question his integrity while denying the existence of CRT, never giving the man an opportunity to respond. She kept asking the questions, then quickly berated him, never giving him a chance to answer. He finally spoke up and told her, “You want allow me to respond.” I thought to myself, “I know how you feel.”


During the Convention, I heard someone say, “If they want to go ‘woke’ they can prepare to be broke.” Several had decided to go back to their churches with an encouragement to delete the cooperative program. To wash their hands of the SBC. I am not here to tell anyone what to do. However, I urge each to pray and think about what needs to be done. I was a young pastor during the Conservative Resurgence. Once we started the movement of standing for the Bible, we won the SBC with the election of Adrian Rogers in the late 70s and won the presidency for many years to come. This was not the case with the Georgia Baptist Convention. We did not succeed at first. Later it went back and forth, but we were patient and were successful in the end. Let us wait for a few years to see what is going to happen. If you discontinue cooperative Baptist giving, your church cannot represent the future Southern Baptist Convention. You should also be aware that the Southern Baptist Convention is separate from the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. Although they are going through a restructuring, they provide much help to our small town and rural churches. They work hand in hand with the Baptist Associations throughout the state. I urge you not to leave them out but give them time to restructure before making any decisions.


On more than one occasion, I witnessed the abuse of scripture throughout the Convention as some pushed their agenda. Often, I heard Scripture quoted with an implication that “love” and “unity” required one to forgo his or her Biblical theology. The apostle Paul would be livid. I visited Lumber City Baptist Church last Sunday and heard Wiley Ellis preach a sermon from Philippians 1:27- 30:

Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come to see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast as one spirit. With one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel, and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God. For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, but also to suffer for His sake, having the same conflict which you saw on me and now hear is in me.

Paul later reminds the believing Philippians that their citizenship was in heaven (3:20). At another time, Paul reminded the Christians that they were ambassadors of Christ. Being a citizen of heaven and an ambassador for Christ means that each not only serves His purpose but advocates His Word, including those moral ideologies. In this, God’s people should stand fast, to strive together to proclaim such with the proper attitude, concern, and tone. We should never be terrified of those whose ideologies are liberal and non-scriptural. Some of the leaders of the SBC were terrified of the news media and the world (society political correctness or "wokeness") because they were not willing to suffer. There are many more Southern Baptists that are willing. A statement made by the young preacher was, “A Christian should never live beneath his theology.” How true!

Those Who desire More Information
Look Up the Following

Will the Southern Baptist Convention Survive?

The Southern Baptist Convention:
What Just Happened?

The Revolution at the SBC Annual Meeting

Conservative Baptist Network

Conservative Baptist Network, Georgia Chapter

Charles Stanley, Tony Perkins, and Mike Huckabee on Conservative Baptist Network Steering Council

With Your Prayers
With Your Participation
With Your Finance
Baptist Associations existed in America for over a century before there were State Conventions and National Conventions.

The sister churches within an association would come together for encouragement, training, worship, and mission endeavors. It was to the Baptist associations that Luther Rice would approach for mission support overseas. Often, association appointed their very own missionaries, both foreign and local.

It is the association that members of each church have a more significant say in the ministries, missions, function, and future than that of a State Convention or Southern Baptist Convention. You count!

The association can only be as significant as the support and participation of the members of the sister churches. We need you!

Ensure that your church has members as representatives during the executive committee meetings and both the Spring and Fall Meetings.

Be a Part of Something Great! A God thing!

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